Wednesday, November 10, 2010 /11:55 PM
~Sometimes there is no pressure
I spent the whole night not doing anything again! :(
I planned to finish my Legal Notes and Argumentative Essay
by today and ended up YouTubing all sorts of song.
I feel really guilty because I know I won't have the time
to finish any of it.
because my weekend is going to be full and tomorrow
i'm going out and the day after is my prom,
still there was no pressure on me at all.
Worse, I told myself I won't spend my time on
useless stuff so that I can sleep early and
have no Panda eyes for prom.
Guess, the Panda eyes will stick with me for life!
+'all hanshin kyojin!' otani! grow taller!+
Friday, November 5, 2010 /4:26 PM
~Something to ponder
credits to la-birdie.
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an
immovable object? -From the movie, The Dark Knight.
Currently doing my research paper for Human Comm,
and stumbled upon this phrase that got me thinking.
So what exactly happens?
This is a form of an Omnipotence paradox:
if it cannot create a task it is unable to perform,
then there exists something it cannot do.
So here comes the question debated before,
Can God create a stone so heavy that it cannot be lifted,
not even by God himself?
Based on the Omnipotence Paradox,
No, God cannot create something he is unable to lift,
because he is the almighty.
Even the rocks bow to him and that no one is greater than him.
It also came from a Chinese Story:
In the story, a man was trying to sell a spear and a shield.
When asked how good his spear was, he said that his spear could pierce any shield.
Then, when asked how good his shield was, he said that it could defend from all spear attacks.
Then one person asked him
what would happen if he were to take his spear to strike his shield,
the seller could not answer.
I found this conclusion on Yahoo answer, which may not be true,
but convincing enough.
"The unstoppable force continues on, leaving the immovable object undisturbed."
+'all hanshin kyojin!' otani! grow taller!+
/4:16 PM
~because, it was all so family like
credits to nicoletji.
I woke up from a great dream today.
It made my day.
I don't remember exactly what I dreamt, but
the comfortable feeling is still with me and
that is enough to keep a smile on my face.
That dream (secret), gave me hope!
I don't ever want to stop dreaming.
But please, no nightmares! haha!
Happy Deepavali everyone!
+'all hanshin kyojin!' otani! grow taller!+
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 /12:48 AM
~Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye~
this picture always puts a smile on my face. :)
El Sanctuary means God's Sanctuary.
El Sanctuary holds a lot of memories for me.
It is a place where I learned a lot about other people
and about myself.
Living there for a few days was better than
living in the city for years.
(well, there was WiFi at one spot. :P)
It's a long story to be told.
If I have the time, I'll post it.
but if I don't, ask me in real life. :)
+'all hanshin kyojin!' otani! grow taller!+
/12:36 AM
~The Rabbit Talks
This is how I feel about my term paper.
I'm on the verge of giving up.
My lecturer ain't giving me any motivation either.
I don't know what Karma has against me but
I've never been on good terms with my English Teachers/Lectures.
They give the stare. haha! you know?
New found discovery:
It is easier to do your term paper when
you do citation at the same time! Makes you feel,
Professional!! -Re-doing my term paper!
+'all hanshin kyojin!' otani! grow taller!+